Book Launch

The Next Book

09 January 12:00 am

Some years ago I wrote a self development book callled, ‘Never Die Wondering’ I’ve often thought that I’d like to revisit this theme as I enter the latter stages of my life. I called in my own experiences, as well as that of others, to encourage you to live the best possible life for you.

I haven’t given up on this idea. I’m always scribbling stories and get hooked on ideas. I have written a lot on a story about a World War Two Russian female pilot that I never quite got finished, and then there is the book set in 1937 about different nationalities fleeing China on the trans Siberian train to get away from the invading Japanese.

I have travelled on the trans Siberian railway myself from Moscow to Beijing and I’ve learned about the role of women in Russia. A theme that intrigues me. So yes, there will be another book quite which one to focus on first is my dilemma!